Well, hello there!
It's been...ahem...a bit quieter than I anticipated here in Creative\\Proofing. My apologies for a much-longer than expected silence, though it's been incredibly fruitful and necessary.
Over the last six months, I endeavored to discern the purpose of Creative\\Proofing specifically, and hopes and goals for myself generally. I've struggled with launching as a creative entrepreneur, or a content creator, or any one of the personas growing so prolifically online. None of it felt like a natural or good fit, and I felt like I was lying, or trying to manipulate readers.
So, when in doubt, take a step back, yes?
I'm so glad I did. I've taken a new role in my organization and have been working to build a vertical from the ground up, which is...a lot. I had the chance to participate in a cohort earlier in the summer, and got to share and refine ideas with other entrepreneurs. I dug into all the work I've done over the last year and a half, pulled everything to pieces, reworked and rewrote and rebuilt, created new digital spaces to share and connect with readers and neighbors.
And...I kinda fell apart.
I nearly deleted everything I wrote here previously; pretty much drove friends around the bend with my self-doubt and neurotic questions; came this close to trashing a coaching program; and almost walked away from the lifelong goal of crafting an independent writing life.
I've only just recently emerged from the maelstrom: rather humbled, somewhat less anxious, and with a lot more clarity about the who, what, and why of all my efforts. (You can read about that on the About page.)
With Volume 2 of Creative\\Proofing, I'm looking forward to exploring questions around discerning the good life, and learning to live it well. I'm interested in how we learn to hope for transformation; begin to create for communication; and encourage each other to live for understanding.
So yeah, I'm back, and I'm here for hopeful, creative people who want to learn to live wisely. Join me!