I'm Megan J. Robinson, and this is Creative\\Proofing, a space to think, feel, and design out loud via a newsletter exploring the intersection of creativity, spirituality, and productivity, and what that looks like for each of us. In each issue of Creative\\Proofing, I’ll dig into various questions, ideas, and topics by sharing what other thinkers, feelers, and doers have said, followed by my take, and then, what it means for us going forward. I’ll also try to throw in reader feedback, recommendations, and maybe something I’m enjoying that week. Can’t wait for you to join me.
This newsletter is currently ad-free, and just free. (If that changes in the future, I'll be sure to let you know.) You can reach me anytime by replying to this email, and if someone sent this to you, they may be asking you to sign up as well. You can do that by clicking here.
If you'd like to listen, you can also subscribe to the Creative\\Proofing podcast.
Hello, and thank you for joining me in Creative\\Proofing Season 1! I hope you’ve enjoyed our explorations so far.
Creative\\Proofing Season 2 will start in May 2021, with some changes in structure and emphasis (details tbd). Additionally, the publication schedule for the newsletter and podcast will change from every Thursday to every other Thursday. If there’s anything you’re curious about, just reply to this email and let me know!
If you’d like to catch up on Season 1, here’s a quick list of everything published to date:
Tell your friends.
If you’d like to support Creative\\Proofing, the best thing to do is spread the word. If you think of some friends who might enjoy this, forward this email to them! Degrees of gratitude may vary, but please know, my gratitude is infinite.
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