Welcome to Creative\\Proofing, a space for hopeful, creative people learning to live wisely by asking questions about the good life: what it is, how to design our own, and how to live it well.
I'm Megan J. Robinson, founder of R.215 and Creative\\Proofing. This newsletter is built on the hope of reciprocal generosity: I want to share what I find beautiful and meaningful, and I'd love for you to do the same. If you're inspired by anything I share, it would mean so much if you shared it with others, subscribed, dropped me a line and let me know, or paid according to the value it has for you. No matter what, I hope we can create and learn together.
As often happens, life grows larger than the containers built for it. I've been a bit overwhelmed by personal and physical issues in the last couple of weeks, and have not given the space I wanted to thinking and writing this issue. Rather than skip it, I thought I would instead share some things I've enjoyed or considered recently. Let me know what you think.
A Hidden Wholeness: The Journey Toward an Undivided Life, by Parker Palmer
Though I've heard of Parker Palmer for years, A Hidden Wholeness is the first book I've read of his. Palmer writes simply, clearly, and graciously, qualities that fall like balm to my soul, and indeed, the soul is the focus of this book. Our souls are wild, tentative things, and if the last year and a half has taught us nothing else, we've become more aware of how unwelcoming some aspects of twenty-first century life can be to wild and tentative beings. A Hidden Wholeness provides a guide for creating space, waiting quietly, holding gently the communication and community of others and ourselves, to befriend our souls once more.
A Spacious Life: Trading Hustle and Hurry for the Goodness of Limits, by Ashley Hales
I recently received this as a gift (thank you, friend!), and have only just started reading it, but already A Spacious Life speaks to my soul, reinforcing the growing call to silence, solitude, and and an uncluttered, intentional way of being. (I've always secretly longed to be a mystic, so visions of whitewashed walls and living by the rhythms of sunrise and moonglow persist.) Hales' exploration of the goodness of limits, of setting boundaries around our yeses and noes, of accepting constraints as an invitation to focus and invest in our lives comes as a welcome reminder that small and local are great things to be.
Autumn in the Southeast
Every year, I wait impatiently for the end of summer and the arrival of autumn, staring jealously at the northern half of the country getting to wear chunky sweaters and scarves for weeks before the mercury even begins to dip in my part of the world. But finally, finally! Cooler weather arrives, the sun's journey slows and shifts, and the earth begins to settle down. Just look at that sky!!! No filters!
©2021, Megan J. Robinson
Let's Be Real
And, finally, in the interests of being really real, let me share this screen shot of artist Scott Erickson's recent IG Story because...well, that's life.
©Scott Erickson