I'm Megan J. Robinson, and this is Creative\\Proofing, a space to think, feel, and design out loud. Learn more about The Creative\\Proof Life. Every Thursday I'll send you a newsletter exploring the intersection of creativity, spirituality, and productivity, and what that looks like for each of us. Stick around to find out more, hmmm?
This newsletter is currently ad-free, and just free. (If that changes in the future, I'll be sure to let you know.) In each issue of Creative\\Proofing, I’ll dig into various questions, ideas, and topics of note within creativity, spirituality and the Enneagram, and productivity by sharing what other thinkers, feelers, and doers have said, what my perspective is, and then, what it do and what it mean for us going forward. I’ll also try to throw in reader feedback, recommendations, and maybe something I’m enjoying that week.
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